I have recently started reading Swami Chinmayananda's books on various topics related to Vedanta. Chinmaya Mission prescribes a scheme of study to understand and assimilate the teachings of Vedanta. The first book in this scheme is titled "Kindle Life".
Written by Swami Chinmayananda himself, this book is a beginner-level guide that explains the fundamentals of Vedanta concepts in simple, lucid language. Organized in small chapters, one can easily read a few pages daily as part of the Vedantic study. This book introduces many concepts - the role of mind and intellect, Panchakosha theory, the trigunas, and their attributes, the play of Maya and its expressions, mind control, refinement of personality, the importance of scriptures, etc.
Swamiji explains how uncontrolled and excessive indulgence in sensual enjoyment causes the dissipation of one’s personality.
“A successful man never allows his faculty of discrimination and judgment to be disturbed by the rising tides of his emotions”
He then elaborates on the pitfalls of desires and the difference between sublimation and suppression of desires. Happiness is an entirely subjective phenomenon and it doesn't exist in external sense objects.
“If the joy is inherent in sense objects, then each object should provide the same quantum of joy to all those who come in contact with it”
The purpose of religion is to help one understand the higher values of life and realize the futility of sensual indulgences. Both philosophy (theoretical aspect) and rituals (practical aspect) are integral to religion, as they complement one another. Scriptures help to refine and chisel the intellect, thereby one gains mastery over the mind.
Swamiji explains the importance of the head (intellect) and heart (mind) and classifies humans into four different personalities based on the dominance of the head/heart. Depending upon one's personality, the corresponding spiritual journey through Yoga (Bhakti, Jnana, Karma, and Hatha Yoga) is recommended.
“What” one meets in life is destiny and “how” one meets it is self-effort.
Towards the end of the book, there are three chapters that are based on his talks related to the role of Action. How to approach one's work and the three ways by which our energy gets dissipated are so beautifully explained.
If you are interested in Vedantic knowledge, "Kindle Life" is a perfect place to start.