Jan 23, 2025

Balance in our daily choices

 In Yoga asana practice, we generally do complementary poses together. For example, Ushtrasana (back bend) + Shashankasana (forward bend), 

Hasta Uttanasana (back bend) + Padahastasana (forward bend). We also ensure that whenever we do a posture on the right side, we immediately do the same on the left side. These are designed in such a way as to bring balance and harmony and prevent untoward, extreme stretching on one side or one group of muscles.

The same principle applies to our daily choices as well. But most of us seem to be ignoring or unaware of this principle. 

After a long, hard day of work with back-to-back meetings, highly stimulating conversations, and battling stress in the form of traffic, work pressure, and deadlines (sympathetic nervous system going on an overdrive), what do we do with the few hours that we get for relaxation and reset? 

We watch movies and OTT series with violent/gory action scenes.

We continuously swipe through Reels/Shorts before going to bed.

We play action-oriented video games - racing, fights, chases, etc.

We watch the news on politics and other world updates, where the discussions are anything but productive, where everyone shouts at the top of their voices.

We intentionally go to bed late by spending time on these activities. There is a term for this choice, aptly titled "revenge sleep procrastination".

The sympathetic system (fight/flight) is constantly activated. We don't prioritize those tasks that activate the vagus nerve and switch on the parasympathetic system (rest/digest mode). 

Sleeping on time, deep breathing, meditation, basic Pranayamas, gentle stretches, Yoga asanas, chanting, and listening to soft music - these are some of the activities to bring back balance in our daily lives. But sadly, only a few seem to value or incorporate these slow, winding-down activities in their routines. 

Why wait until the diagnosis of hypertension, diabetes, or hormonal disorders, before making changes? Let's prioritize our night-time routine to bring balance in our nervous system, breath and mind.

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