Sep 16, 2024

Book Review: Yoga Sutras Simplified by Vasudev Murthy

 Maharishi Patanjali's Yoga Sutras (PYS) dive into the psychology of the human mind. It is one of the most important texts for a Yoga Sadhaka / practitioner. Many have written translations and commentaries on this text. I bought the book "Yoga Sutras Simplified" by Vasudev Murthy in May 2023 (before I signed up for my Yoga instructor course and MSc Yoga), but never got around to reading it. 

In the past year, I got the opportunity to learn the essence of Yoga Sutras from various sources. Given that PYS is one of the subjects in my current semester, I picked up this book recently. 

The author says in the Introduction - "The Yoga Sutras analyse the fickle mind in extraordinary detail and ought to be required reading for psychologists!". I couldn't agree more. He has provided the gist of all 4 chapters, covering the key takeaways.

The author has approached this book neither as a translation nor a typical commentary. He has given a refreshing take by interweaving the core principles behind certain sutras and his experiences and reflections. The writing style is simple and lucid, with clear explanations of the concepts, especially on vrittis, kleshas, types of samadhis, yamas and niyamas, samyama, etc. He has also connected certain ideas with music-based examples, given his background in music. 

Here are a few of my favorite lines:

Indifference to the results of knowledge is the highest form of dispassion.

A mind that soaks in all manners of disturbances under various guises is a mind that will never actually find peace and purpose.

Sorrow arrives disguised as transient pleasure.

A person's temperament affects the temperament of everyone around!

If the mind is agitated, bodily balance is unachievable.

What is "rational" depends on your framework of knowledge. You may not know what you do not know.

This is a beginner-friendly book that will inspire one to pick up the main text and read more elaborate commentaries by other authors.

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