Aug 23, 2024

The Ferris Wheel of Life

 Let's revisit our experience riding on a Ferris Wheel (or Giant Wheel, as some of us call it!). As our wagon in the Wheel slowly reaches the top, we get a spectacular view of our city - the distant buildings, water bodies, moving cars, people, various lanes, and narrow streets. As the wheel comes down, we feel an uncomfortable churning in our stomach. 

We look forward to going up to the top in the second round as it feels good to get the larger picture. The operator decides to stop the Wheel for more people to get on board. We feel happy if our wagon is the one that is stationary on top during this boarding process. Some of us might appreciate the view, some might get distracted looking at the people climbing the wagon and some might get irritated if the wagon stops.

Our daily life gives us opportunities to get on a similar Ferriss Wheel - to grasp the big picture view of our life. 

Where am I in this whole scheme of things?

What else is there in my world? 

Is there something beyond my perception?

Am I missing to see something because of my extremely busy schedule?

Initially, we might resist getting on board this Ferris Wheel, due to our busy lifestyles and auto-pilot routines. Life keeps moving on without any deep reflection or questioning.

Once we step on this Ferris Wheel of Life, it takes us to the top view. We start to appreciate the broader picture and the various possibilities. We start to gain more clarity about ourselves and the world around us. 

As we come down to our regular ways, we yearn to go back up to get the big-picture view more often.

Meditation, slowing down, journaling, reading, gaining wisdom from scriptures, chanting, going for a contemplative walk without any distractions, mindful offline active hobbies (cooking, gardening, painting), do-nothing moments - these are the Ferris Wheels of Life. 

Let's make time to ride at least 1-2 such Wheels every day to get that big-picture view of our lives.  Our employers, organizations or society may or may not care about whether we have time for this important activity. As long as we run in Autopilot mode, it is profitable for various businesses and the economy. Being on Auto-pilot also seems easy for us though it may not give us contentment. But for our self-evolution, it is our responsibility to prioritize getting the big-picture view of life.

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