Aug 29, 2024

Bullying and the reasons behind it

 Bullying happens not only in high school corridors but also in corporate offices and meeting rooms. One can notice various direct and subtle forms of bullying:

  • overriding someone's decisions
  • canceling meetings at the last minute or showing up late on purpose
  • interrupting when someone is talking
  • Not coming prepared for a key meeting called by a peer, not going through the relevant documents that were shared before the meeting - done intentionally to assert a certain "attitude" and not due to lack of time
  • Power struggle with peers by executing deliberate tactics to derail the efforts of others

Why does a bully behave a certain way?

  • Feeling of insecurity or worry that a peer might take on a more influential role than him
  • Marking territory - A well-entrenched person in the organization might want to claim authority over a new peer who might have more relevant experience than him
  • Grabbing important decisions by intruding into another's role - especially happens when roles and responsibilities aren't clearly defined and communicated.
  • Has certain inherent biases and attitudes, deep in his psyche, especially based on gender, location, or educational background

Underlying these four reasons is that single main reason - "A sense of "I" or deep identification with one's title/role".

This strong identification makes one feel threatened and insecure that they resort to such bullying behaviors.

When we detach ourselves from such strong identifications, the workplace becomes a collaborative place where everyone can focus on their respective jobs, thereby contributing to increased productivity.

Most of the time, people quit not because the work is challenging but because they are on the receiving end of such bullies and unable to retaliate. This can happen at any level - junior, mid, or senior level.

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