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Jun 25, 2024

The 12-year journey of discovering myself

 Yesterday, I presented a day-long session on packaged foods and traditional food wisdom to a group of educators focused on sustainability.  It was an interactive session that was well-received by an enthusiastic audience. I was so glad to be in that state of "speaking" flow after a long time, sharing my thoughts on various topics I'm passionate about.

While preparing the slides, I decided to reflect on my personal journey in the last 12 years and created this slide.

My journey started with understanding about food and how food impacts our health. As I reflected, it feels like an organic shift from one area to the other. I felt guided and directed by the higher power while learning, embracing, and sharing about these aspects. 

It also feels like the dots have connected beautifully when viewed through this lens of body-mind-intellect. As I re-read some of my older posts on food, nutrition, habits, etc, it brought a happy smile as this blog is a raw documentation of this journey.

There were multiple ups and downs, failures, and disappointments in these 12 years, having tried various experiments. On a personal level, it has been highly fulfilling and impactful. Once the learned knowledge got assimilated, I have been mostly consistent with habits, and changes I have incorporated in my life. 

But as far as taking the learnings and insights to a larger audience, my persistence levels weren't long-lasting. I try a new idea/initiative for at least 6 months up to a year. If I don't see much traction, I move on to the next.

I no longer spend time on social media as a content creator. I'm now absorbed in this space of quiet reflection, along with lots of learning and handling my responsibilities.