Jun 5, 2024

Gita Learning Process

 For any learning to happen effectively, there needs to be a strong purpose and a process. 

Purpose inspires you to get started and continue the journey. 

Process gives you guidance and direction.

Both work hand-in-hand to help us reach our goal.

Learning Bhagavad Gita is one of my wishes for this year and Krishna is graciously guiding me in that direction. March 4th is when I started my first class with Gita Parivar. The last 3 months have been such a beautiful journey of connecting with Krishna and diving into his teachings that is so relevant in today's times.

I use this spreadsheet to track my learning progress. The plan and process just evolved during this journey. The priority is to learn the correct pronunciation and understand the meaning of each chapter taught in the class. Contemplating and imbibing the learnings happens and will continue to do so without much deliberate effort, as the seeds get planted in the subconscious. This is a life-long study, as we reflect upon the meanings using the commentaries by different experts.

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