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Dec 6, 2023

Do you optimize your battery usage?

 When we charge our smartphone, we typically make use of "rapid charging", where the battery gets charged quickly.

Smartphone manufacturers are coming up with ways to optimize and enhance battery life. Adaptive charging is one such useful feature available in Android smartphones. It preserves and extends battery life by charging steadily when the phone is plugged into a charger for a longer period (typically during the night).

There are also "battery saver" options available that help to extend battery life - background activity in certain apps gets limited, and certain features like visual effects are turned off. There is also an "Extreme battery saver" option that is useful for critical moments when the battery is very low. App notifications, network connectivity, and certain apps are paused when this is enabled.

Why am I boring you with the features of a smartphone all of a sudden?

Our body and mind put together are like the smartphone battery. We rapidly charge them every morning through an hour of exercise (yoga, running, gym, etc). After a good workout, we feel good thanks to the endorphins.

Over the course of the day, we run multiple energy-draining apps that affect our battery -

  • Heavy food
  • Over-indulgence of our senses
  • taking on too many projects
  • longer lists of todos to complete
  • getting into an argument or a debate that stems from the root of ego (either our ego or others')
  • consuming triggering content
  • compromising on sleep

A good night's sleep is equivalent to adaptive charging, but we deprioritize it for various reasons and end up trying to charge ourselves through multiple cups of coffee the next day.

There are times when we need to turn on the battery-saver mode and slow down.

For example,

  • specific days in a month when women feel naturally depleted of energy
  • recovering from illness (minor ones like flu, cold)
  • seasonal shifts (ritusandhi period as per Ayurveda)

There are also times when there is a need to turn on "extreme battery saver" mode and pause certain critical "apps"

For example,

  • recovering from a surgery
  • going through emotions like grief
  • facing burnout and exhaustion on all levels

Awareness of our energy and the factors that enhance/deplete our energy helps us to decide when to turn the "battery saver" or the "extreme battery saver mode" on. Without the awareness, it is quite likely that our battery will get weakened by the time we hit our 40s (though it was designed to last for 100 years!).