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Oct 13, 2023

Work and physical activity

 Work and physical activity were intertwined so closely in our previous generations. Work mostly involved physical labor. No one would have to go for a jog or rush to the gym after work.

Even in our previous generation, there was adequate physical activity - be it commuting by bicycle, long walk to reach their workplace or shops, or traveling by public transport that involved walking, standing, or climbing stairs.

There was a clear balance between physical and mental work.

In today's times, for a larger population, especially those working for the knowledge economy, achieving the required balance between physical and mental work is a big challenge.

Comfort, convenience, and the sedentary nature of work have tilted this scale, due to lack of time for any form of physical activity or lack of need for physical movement.

We are now required to take additional time out of our work schedule to consciously incorporate physical movement in the form of walking, jogging, Yoga, gym routines, etc. 

A question also arises whether an hour of physical activity followed by hours of sedentary work makes a difference. If we go by the principle that "Something is better than nothing", then that one hour does create an impact if done consistently. But is it sufficient enough to maintain our physical health? When combined with conscious food habits, proper sleep routine, and resilience to stressful situations, this might still be a better option (depends on the individual as well).

Walking to the nearby supermarket, taking the stairs, sitting on the floor, and participating in offline activities that require physical movement (gardening, cooking, cleaning, etc) are a few ways to experience physical movement spread throughout the day.

Physical movement implies the movement of many muscle groups. When we prioritize activities that only make use of a few muscles - walking 10K steps for example - we might end up overexerting certain muscle groups, while underutilizing the rest.

The body requires movement.

The mind requires stillness.