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Sep 7, 2023

Fangirl disappointment

 **Unpopular opinion**

I have been a huge fan of Thalaivar since childhood. His movies, punch lines, dialogues, and songs are a constant "repeat-u" in all these years. I usually watch his movies in the theatre within the first 2 weeks. Watched Annaathe on the first day of release on Diwali day!

Now that the required context has been set, let me talk about my experience watching his latest movie. Ever since the first song was released, it has been a disappointment one after another. I was hoping for a Thalaivar intro song but it was a dance song where thalaivar just popped in and out for a few seconds. When I saw the trailer, it didn't quite intrigue me.

After the movie was released, many of my friends and family members watched it in theatres - Okayish reviews from them, some did say it was violent. Somehow I didn't feel as enthusiastic as I normally would be for a Thalaivar movie and decided to watch it on OTT whenever it lands. 

The movie opened on Amazon Prime today. As the first few minutes rolled by, the villain was so atrocious with the hammer, blood smashing, and acid violence. I paused for a min and was reluctant to proceed further. The fangirl in me said, "Wait for thalaivar to come, it will get better". I resumed watching, next few min of grandfather-grandson bonding were good (the only nice part of the movie!).

The gore and bloodshed then got worse and worse. Head and ear chopping, blood on everyone's face, which gets casually wiped off with a tissue!

I paused and forwarded multiple times to avoid such scenes. There were also moments when I got so bored with that comedy featuring a hero and a director. I had to pause and check how much more time was left in the movie. You might ask, "If you found it so unbearable, why don't you stop watching?".

I have this ridiculous obsession to finish whatever I begin.

Not just that, as a thalaivar fan, I seriously was hoping for some good moments, punch dialogues or some redemption from the unbelievable gore/violence.

To be honest, if I get a chance to meet Thalaivar, I seriously like to ask him this - "As a spiritual person, why would you accept to do such gory scenes? Why did you agree to do such blatant violence scenes in the name of entertainment?"

As a Thalaivar fangirl, I'm deeply disappointed.