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Aug 19, 2023

Letting go of savior mindset

 Many of us tend to adopt one of these two mindsets depending on our life experiences - victim mindset and savior mindset.

As I observed my thought patterns over the past few years, the dominant one between the two is often the savior mindset. I'm not sure about the origin of its roots, though I have a few guesses. One probable reason could be that I have grown up watching Director Shankar's movies ๐Ÿ™‚

Embracing this savior mindset is one of the important reasons behind situations that trigger me. Though I'm a calm person by nature, I get angry when I see situations where people get exploited due to their insecurities and fears. As I knew the reason behind my anger, I curtailed most of the sources where I get to receive such information. Social media, specifically Instagram, is the only source where such information hits me.

As I mulled over this trigger in the past couple of weeks, I understood all my posts related to packaged foods, types of influencers, and their marketing tactics stem from that anger.

It was time that I let go of this savior mindset to conserve my inner peace.

We all go through our respective journeys to arrive at our Truth. In these journeys, we might end up falling into the trap of unscrupulous people and get impacted. But the Universe will also provide opportunities to unlearn and readjust our routes. It happened to me, and it will happen to everyone else too. So there is no need to take stress (and give a free entry pass to "migraine"!๐Ÿ˜‰ )

What about those who are behind such acts of exploiting people's fears and ignorance? How to not feel anger toward them?

I got the answer I needed to hear from Sister. BK Shivani (video shared in my Stories 2 days back).

"Content creators have a moral responsibility. If they make money by spoiling people's health, it impacts their karmic account. The money earned through such work comes tainted due to the suffering of others - by spoiling someone's physical, mental or emotional health, by breaking their families....."

This specific point made me realize that there is no need to get worked up due to the actions of certain people, as the laws of Karma will take care.