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Jun 2, 2023

Blogversary - Looking back

 Today is the 19th birthday of my blog🙂 A heartfelt gratitude to the readers for all the support and love over these years!

What started as a casual exploration of a new tool (Blogger) back in 2004 has turned into one of my passions. In the initial few months, it was all about connecting with a group of friends. We would write something in our respective blogs, comment and make fun of each other. This period was way before FB and other social media platforms came into the picture🙂

Blogging became a way to chronicle experiences, travel, books, and past moments. There used to be certain blogs that would provide weekly prompts - Sunday scribblings, 3-word Wednesdays, etc. I remember looking forward to such prompts and writing every week in the form of short stories or amateur poetry.

Apart from content, it was also fun playing around with different themes and templates that Blogger(and other 3rd party sites) used to offer. I tried to monetize through Adsense for a few months, but it spoiled the whole layout and experience.

I had two different blogs - a personal one and a work-related/professional one. I later combined them into a single entity, as the demarcation between work and personal life is blurred when you want to write from an authentic space.

After reading Elizabeth Gilbert's Big Magic in 2015, I started to enjoy writing as a process. Moved to a cleaner layout with minimal distraction for the reader, bought my domain in 2016, and began to share my thoughts without much hesitation.

I look forward to documenting the annual reviews and it feels so good to go back in time and revisit key moments in life.

Blogging/writing has become an important medium through which I can express myself authentically. That has always been the goal.

To be honest, I don't think about what topics the reader would like to read about.

Over the years, my areas of interest have shifted and my perspectives have changed. The blog provides me with a glimpse of this transition.

For eg, I no longer could connect myself with the anger and sarcasm phase of packaged food reviews in 2017-19.

Once I commit myself to something, I know I can be consistent at it for years. Writing is one such activity that has evolved from being a hobby to becoming a purpose.

In times of reels and short video formats, I'd still prefer to express myself through words. My comfort zone, my happy place!