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May 29, 2023

Indigestion of Life experiences

 This happened a couple of months back. We (K, D and myself) had gone out shopping. D spotted a cafe (not CCD!) and insisted that we go and have some snacks. Though this cafe has multiple branches and  is creating waves in Bengaluru, we hadn't been there before.

It was a super hot afternoon and the place was crowded. D and I picked a table and sat down, while K went to the bill counter and placed the order.

I was in no mood for a hot beverage and decided to have passion fruit iced tea. D and K ordered a mango milkshake and a slice of an apple pie.

When our order arrived, I took a sip of the tea. It tasted neither passion fruit nor tea. D took a sip and said, "Mummy, this tastes like ice water". Yes, exactly!

The milkshakes were made with mango-flavored essence, and loads of sugar and didn't have a taste of any real mango (although mangoes are in season!).

The apple pie tasted okayish.

Overall, we weren't so happy with the quality of the food.

The bill arrived and it was around Rs.1200. I was super shocked!

I didn't see the menu options (and prices) while placing the order.

I couldn't digest the fact that we ended up paying so much for such low-quality food. On the way back, I expressed my disappointment to K. He replied, "Let it go, we didn't know that the quality would be this bad. We will not go to this chain of cafe outlets".

But my mind wasn't willing to let go and it kept ruminating on the experience.

The fact that I couldn't digest this experience ended up creating severe indigestion later in the evening, followed by a severe migraine.

This could have been triggered by the food or by the harsh summer heat.

Nevertheless, the mind and its inability to digest and accept the situation also played a pivotal role in the reaction that manifested in the body.

This quote shared in the pic sums up the experience.

Whenever you feel indigestion, acidity or heartburn, apart from looking into your food choices, it is also worthwhile to check for any experiences/incidents in your life that you find difficult to digest.