Nov 13, 2022

State of acceptance

 I take my commitments very seriously - commitments to work, family, and myself. Though it helps me get things done, I also end up getting into a state of overwhelm at times. And I notice that I often get caught in similar patterns and similar challenges.

Instead of overthinking or overanalyzing the situations which I used to do earlier, I now find it liberating to embrace a state of acceptance.

The last couple of weeks has been super hectic on multiple fronts. With the cold, gloomy weather, most of Saturday felt so dull and lethargic. Instead of resisting the day, I accepted that there is no point pushing myself to be productive when the weather gods decided to give a break to my body (and my overworked mind).

I woke up very late this morning (8:45 AM) without an alarm and without any guilt.
Made myself a nice cup of chai, as usual, sat down, and sipped slowly.
Made breakfast - hot pongal and sambhar to fight the weather.
Washed a load of vessels (No househelp on Sundays).
Read 3 chapters in the book "Build".
Prepared lunch while listening to Illayaraaja playlist.
Worked on a work-related presentation for 2 hours.
Watched a movie
Ground the idli batter for the upcoming week (weekend chore).

Resenting our commitments and decisions is a waste of time and energy. We made them for a reason. Accepting them and getting on with work feels a lot more peaceful and energizing.

P.S. The cat babies are all curled up in different corners of my home. Indication of the brrrrrr weather outside! 😂

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