Oct 22, 2022

Life Savvy over Gadget Savvy

I bought my first smartphone in Apr 2013 - a Samsung Galaxy S3. Used it for 3+ years, after which the device became extremely slow and the battery capacity deteriorated over time. In Dec 2016, I exchanged my phone and bought myself the first version of Google Pixel. It was a solid model with great performance and I loved it. After almost 4 years (Feb 2020), the battery started to drain out faster. But this time, instead of buying a new phone, I got the battery replaced for 3K. Pixel continued to work well and suited my usage.

In Feb this year, it conked out. None of the usual revival techniques like device reset helped. Bid goodbye to my Google Pixel after 5 years and 3 months.

I then started to use my MIL's phone (Redmi 5 - bought in July 2018) as a temporary one, until we buy a new phone. It's been 9 months and I continue to use the same phone, as it meets my needs.

Over the years, I have reduced my phone usage a lot.

From a personal standpoint, it is now a utilitarian tool (book cabs, make payments, shop online, send text, make calls, take photos, etc).

From a professional standpoint, I use it for testing apps that I manage at work and for trying out apps related to my work domain.

I don't see the need to upgrade my phone every 1-2 years, given my usage patterns.

I see a similar pattern in my usage of earphones too. I continue to use the same earphones that came along with my Google Pixel - the good old wired ones.

Though the world is shifting to Bluetooth-enabled earpods, I'm yet to adopt this behavior.

My earphone usage is mainly for work-related calls and meetings, and I find wired earphones comfortable for this purpose.

K loves to walk and answer his official calls, whereas I prefer to sit at my desk and take them.

From a personal use point of view, I prefer to listen to music with speaker mode ON. I don't listen to audiobooks or podcasts as I prefer to read to consume new information.

And I don't use a smart watch or a step counter either. I prefer the good old watch that shows time!

Our choices of devices are heavily influenced by our personality, attitudes towards utility/novelty/brand association, and preferred behaviors.

Gadget savviness is a personal choice.

I'd any day prefer to be more savvy about Life and its workings than tech gadgets.

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