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Jan 12, 2021

Intention Verb - Progress and Plan

 As you might know, my intention verb for 2020 was MINIMIZE.

Here's a quick summary of how I executed this verb in 2020.

Brought down the number of pressure cookers I have from 5 to 3 (this is a BIG deal, I love pressure cookers!)
Minimized the number of books I bought (Bought only 2 Kindle books and 1 physical book in 2020)
Deactivated FB and Twitter
Minimized my online content consumption intentionally
Minimized my time spent on OTT platforms 
Minimized my dependency on Yoga class and brought the discipline to practice on my own.
Minimized my FOMO. I have now strongly come to believe that the information that is required for me will come to me.
Minimized my tendency to multitask (no Youtube while chopping veggies, no music/podcasts while walking)
Minimized the number of times I ate at a restaurant or ordered food delivery (I shouldn't take credit for this!)
Minimized the number of times I took Ola/Uber (again, not taking credit!)

The home decluttering and organizing didn't happen as I had intended. 
Instead of the plan to stock up less groceries, I have gone worse by stocking up even more in the past 10 months. 
Both of these are a big MISS that I plan to overcome this year.

Though I may not have executed all that was planned, having an intention verb like MINIMIZE helped me consciously become aware of my actions.

Continuing with the same practice, my intention verb for 2021 is BUILD. It might sound contrary or even opposing to last year's verb MINIMIZE. But allow me to explain.

Over the past few years, I believe I have laid a strong foundation in some aspects of my life. Consider these to be the Lego building blocks of different shapes and colours. Now it's time to build something concrete out of it.

A few ways that I plan to BUILD this year

BUILD self-awareness
BUILD my acceptance levels with people who have opposing beliefs
BUILD my patience
BUILD my stamina (physical and mental)
BUILD deeper knowledge on subjects that I have developed curiosity towards in the past few years
BUILD the disparate thoughts into a concrete framework
BUILD my creative occupation

Intention verb is a powerful tool, a route map if I may say so, that gives us a path to pursue and allows us to take key decisions. If you love this idea, think about your intention verb for 2021.