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Jul 16, 2015

Book Review - There's something about you by Yashodhara Lal

It has been a while since I read fiction. I love fiction novels which have a light-hearted but gripping story plot with funny and witty one-liners. And it makes it even better when there is a female protagonist with a regular girl-next-door image. Yashodhara Lal's new book "There's something about you" scores on all these parameters. I haven't read her earlier books, so I'm not sure about her writing style.

Though the book is marketed as "the romance novel of the year", I would categorize it as a novel based on relationships - relationships with parents, with friends, with colleagues, with others in the society and most importantly, with oneself. The story plot deals with every such relationships, the complexities, the told and the un-told feelings. At a few places, it makes you want to pause and think about your own relationships in contrast with the protagonist Trish's relationships.

Trish is a bundle of different characters etched together - cynical but caring, low on self-esteem but dares to venture into the unknown. She is someone who you can easily relate to. I wouldn't want to reveal more on the story as I fear I might end up spoiling the experience.

At times, though you can predict the storyline, it doesn't hamper the flow, thanks to interesting dialogues and the choice of right words. For example, Trish's responses as Amy are too good, that one wishes to read more such letters. The predicament that she goes through while responding to a serious letter is well thought out. We face such moral dilemmas often and can empathize with Trish and her feelings.

I also loved how the author has interlaced the principle of being in "FLOW' to identify one's purpose, which Trish discovers it towards the end. I have been doing the Coursera course on happiness and the same principle is elaborated in detail in Week 2 material.
"…I think I've finally just hit the sweet spot with my work. I'm doing something I enjoy, pays me a decent amount, is good for me and gets to spread happiness and help other people too! So it energizes me more than it takes it out of me. It's like I'm in some sort of flow"
Perfect for a relaxed weekend afternoon read, "There's something about you" would make you want to pause and think about what's unique about yourself.  Loved it and now I'm planning to check out the author's earlier books.

P.S. The book was sent to me by Flipkart as part of their "bloggers initiative". The review is my honest and unbiased feedback on the book.