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Jul 28, 2008

Seeking solace

My contribution to Sunday Scribblings - Solace

As the day dawns, ushering in hope and inspiration along with a bunch of to-dos hovering in the air, the much needed solace is a hot cup of tea. My morning begins with switching on the gas stove, brewing tea and mixing it up with hot milk. No matter what, I can never skip this routine. Although my hubby keeps suggesting that I should either wake up early or skip having tea on Fridays and Saturdays when I have to rush for my MBA classes, I can never give up my special tea (might skip breakfast, though). Infact, I claim that I can make better tea than the ones served in many restaurants. This obsession with tea didn't begin until around 6 years back when I moved from Chennai to Bangalore. Coffee, Boost and Bournvita used to be my favorite beverages then. Tea is something I prefer to have anytime of the day. I'm working on a term paper for my Consumer Behavior elective and guess what - the topic that is assigned to me by chance was "link the current trends of the tea industry with respect to consumer attitudes". Isn't that a good irony?

The challenges and pressures of day-to-day demands and the expectations set by myself sometimes need to take a backseat when I indulge myself in the music of A R Rahman. Regular readers of my blog would have noticed how crazy I am about his music. For every mood, there is a perfect song to give me company. When I want to reminisce the first feelings of falling in love, there is "En Swasa Kaatre". When I feel romantic, there is "Kannukku mai azhagu". When I feel nostalgic about someone I've been missing for a long time in my life, there is "Shauk hai". My day doesn't end without hearing to his magical tunes. When I'm sitting in my cab going to office, when I'm working on my projects, when I'm relaxing, when I'm about to sleep, his music is always there. My ipod understands my liking for Rahman's music so much that it plays his tunes mostly when it's in shuffle mode.

A hot cup of tea with a soothing melody of Rahman is a perfect solace that can comfort and cheer me up anytime.