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Jan 30, 2008

Miracle of the dawn

My contribution to Cafe Writing Option #4 - Poetry

“In silence and movement you can show the reflection of people.”
— Marcel Marceau

Days and months pass by
with speed of light,
a blink is all it takes
No time to stop by,
to reflect and ponder
an hour is all it needs

Eyes wide open from
a deep distant slumber,
The dark sky and the calm street
the fiery red ball
about to embark on it's daily routine
A tranquil awakening of the senses

Thoughts wandering,
yet crystal clear
conscious deep breaths
inhaling positive vibes
battering eyelids close,
opening a whole new world

A meditative state
a slowing heart beat
immerse in mellifluous chants
experience the silence
the serenity of the dawn
the soul moves, the body still