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Dec 9, 2007

Joker in the pack

Another interesting, light-hearted fiction in the lines of "Five point someone". This time, it's not about the IITs but the IIMs, specifically IIM Bangalore. As a present student of IIMB, I could relate to many of the instances and characters. But it would be more appropriate for full time PGP students/alumni since it reflects on one of the important phases of their lives.

This story captures the exact emotions and ambitions of a typical middle class family and the relatives' pressures, how a kid's life turns topsy turvy with the board exams and engineering days, how the peer pressures impact one's daily life etc. The subtle humour is really good at some places. The storyline is very easy to relate by someone who has passed school in the late 1990s like me. This is definitely one interesting book to read on a lazy Saturday afternoon.

The protogonist Shekhar Verma and his adventure in various places in UP on account of his summer placements is very well narrated. The interviews during placements were gripping and I was hoping that our hero gets through. It's all a happy ending except for the split between the hero and the heroine Anoushka.

"Joker in the pack" is not as humourous as 'Five point someone" but I would definitely recommend it to someone who enjoys stories based on school and college life.