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Dec 31, 2007

2007 in review

Continuing the tradition of 2005 and 2006, it's time to work on the exercise of looking back on the year 2007. There were some areas where I focused upon very well and other areas where my focus has reduced.

1) Got enrolled to PGSEM course at IIMB this year. My dream to study in one of the best institutions has come true. The past six months have been eventful and a wonderful journey has just begun.
2) Worked on many projects at work that kept me busy throughout the year and has been a very good learning experience as well.
3) Was part of the Dream Newsletter team at Dream a Dream for three months. Took interviews of volunteers who were part of other programmes such as art, drama and summer camp. It was fun to take notes while asking questions and then creating an article out of the interview. Since my Saturdays are occupied by PGSEM classes these days, I couldn't contribute much to Dream a Dream this year.
4) Visited Kodaikkanal and Vythiri,Wayanad (first time to the Northern part of Kerala)
5) Blog updates have increased to 72 this year, thanks to my sudden outburst of writings in December. Rambled 18 English and 4 Tamil poems and 6 short stories.
6) Visited a planetarium for the first time in my life.
7) Visited my primary school after a span of 17 years. Nothing has changed - the same "big" master, my LKG school miss "Ruby". I was so glad to relive those childhood memories.
8) Went for day trips to Mysore, Shivasamudhram falls and Kotilingeshwara temple.
9) Attended driving classes and then stopped in between as I got scared to drive in Bangalore roads :-( Anyway, I'm glad atleast I learnt the basics of driving.
10) Contrary to the previous two years, my reading habit has gone down considerably.
- Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (the fitting finale)
- Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Fake book written by an avid Harry Potter fan)
- The man-eater of Malgudi by RK Narayan
- Joker in the pack by Ritesh Sharma and Neeraj Pahlajani

My 2008 goal is to achieve balance in all areas of my life and not focus on only a few and ignore the rest.

Wishing everyone a very happy and bright new year. May 2008 be the year when your dreams become a reality :-)