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Sep 14, 2006

Yogarungym - my experiments!

I see myself as a healthy, active and a young granny 40 years from now. I want to keep myself as fit as possible with no major health ailments. To achieve this goal, I need to maintain my physical well being on a day-to-day basis. The sedentary life style that I lead as a software engineer staring at the computer for hours together does not juxtapose well with my goal. So what do I do?

I've been trying different forms of physical exercise for the past 2 years, though in a very inconsistent manner. I started off with Yoga, went for Yoga classes for about 2 weeks and then stopped because of my inability to wake up at 5.30 AM everyday. After about 6 months, my hubby suggested that we join the same Yoga classes together. We did and actually enjoyed the sessions, attending 2 out of 5 classes per week after forcing ourselves to wake up with 3 alarms set between 5.15 and 5.30. Our Yoga master was able to figure out that we were irregular and indirectly suggested in front of the class that there's no point in doing Yoga only on Tuesdays and Thursdays. We dropped out after 6 weeks.

After a few months, we joined the Art of Living classes and had good fun. Sudarshana Kriya was a good experience. We vowed that we would perform the Kriya for the next 48 days. Can you guess how long we were able to perform? 5 days ! Laziness at its heights !

New Year day brings in a feeling of a fresh start and we resolved to rejoin the same Yoga classes. We liked our Yoga master's way of teaching asanas slowly, giving enough time to absorb the steps. Comparitively, we were regular this time but towards the last week, our enthusiasm became low that we bunked the whole week. I'm pretty sure if I go again, my Yoga master would instantly recognize me and get a written statement that I complete the 2 months course.

There came an end to my Yoga expedition. Running started to interest me later. I planned to run for the Bangalore Marathon scheduled to happen in May and started practicing in a nearby park for about 3 weeks. This habit also died down soon. One of my ex-colleagues said that I'm a good finisher in Toastmasters. I guess this theory doesn't go well with my physical fitness.

Now in my new company, I have a very good gym and I also got myself a pair of sports shoes. I have started using the gym for the last four days. Let me see how far I go ! In my previous experiments, I feel that I planned way ahead like becoming a Yoga master (really!) and completing the 42 km marathon. Dreaming big is good but in order to achieve those big dreams,I realize that I need to take small steps forward everyday. So I'm taking my stint at the gym one day at a time.

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is mystery, today is what I have in hand, so let me make the best use of it !