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Jan 23, 2006

Want some action?

Made a trip to Gemini Circus last Saturday. A very unique and interesting experience. I had been to a circus when I was in 3rd std. The main attractions of those days were the tigers, elephants and ofcourse, the clowns. I was expecting something similar while going to Palace Grounds. The show started at 4 pm and what followed was a series of awe-inspiring, breath-taking, action packed 2 hours (am short of adjectives now !!). The men and women who perform such bends and twists make you wonder if at all they have bones in their bodies. I'm sure AXN fans would love it. The candle dancing, cycling, biking inside a hollow sphere, gymnastics in all forms, ladder climbing and throwing cups and saucers one after the other onto their heads etc etc are such amazing thrills that made me realize the inherent potential within ourselves. My Yoga classes are no more tougher.

If human beings can perform at their best, the animals then enter to prove that they are not far behind. Colourful parrots riding a small, cute bicycle and pulling a cart, elephants playing cricket and hitting sixers (they deserve a place in our cricket team), horses and camels running around. Not a single minute, you are left unengaged. At the end of the show, my eyes were filled with tears of joy. These performers go through such pain and difficulty and risk their lives so people like us can have fun for 2 hours. Initially, the show was almost empty but towards the middle, people started thronging into the grounds. I was glad to see many children having fun.

The other day, I was discussing with my colleague about how today's children are glued to televisions and computer games and going to a zoo or circus is not considered a fun outing as it used to be when I was a child not so long ago. Also I wonder why people have misconceptions such as circus meant only for kids and Yoga/ meditation classes only for the senile. When I told my colleagues that meditation gives a lot of mental strength and everyone should learn it, they were laughing at me commenting that they are not old enough for it. Why don't people give a try before coming to a conclusion that they are too old or too young for certain activities?

For people who are interested in doing something different, Gemini circus is being held at Palace Grounds, next to Fun World, opposite to TV Towers. Show timings are 1 pm, 4 pm and 7 pm and the last show is on Feb 6th. It's really worth 100 bucks. Ditch PVR, Forum (or whatever your hangout place is) for a evening, I'm sure you would enjoy it.

PS : Make sure you carry snacks and a bottle of water. The popcorn you get in the grounds tastes very bad and a packet of Lays chips (worth 10 Rs) is sold for Rs. 20.