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Dec 29, 2005

la la wonderlaaaaaaaaa.......

This was how my mind was singing with joy and excitement on Sunday night. Amusement parks always amuse me. Thrilling rides that send a chill down your spine, Screams that you let out though you are not that scared, Exploring the unexplored, graduating slowly through the levels of toughness of the rides and finally returning home with exciting experiences are all that amusement parks offer.

The day dawned. An unusual Monday morning. No blues or greens. Just a sense of anxiety. A team outing on a Monday to Wonderla. Can you ask for more? I got myself ready and left for office. We had planned to leave by 9.30 but we were late by 30 minutes as usual. Indian stretchable time, I suppose. Since the traffic was not that bad, we managed to reach the place by 11.10. It was very surprising to see so many kids and youngsters waiting in the queue. Finally we got the tickets and entered the park at 11.40.

Our first battle was against a hurricane. Don't worry, it's not Rita or Katrina that smashed New Orleans. That was the name of our first ride. A three arm roller mounted at a good height. It was one of the high thrill rides. All these rides make you feel very scared when you look at them. But once you take your seats, it's just amazing. All your internal organs are swayed, churned and toppled. After you get down, you feel a sense of achievement and satisfaction and then you say to the same ride that made you fear, "hey, I conquered you. You are no bigger than me." and give a proud smile.

Since we managed to complete all the tough ones first, the drop zone was a child play. Splash was very entertaining and many of us took the ride twice. On top of all that, a nice way to end the day on a water pendulum for which you don't have any support other than your hand grip.

Food was good and affordable. The negative part of the trip was the cost of the ticket. It's definitely overpriced at 480 per head. But no regrets as long as someone else sponsors for you ;-)

My best team outing in the past three and half years. I strongly recommend Wonderla for people who like going to amusement parks, who do not face any health problems and most importantly, who has the guts to face these thrilling rides like me.....

Dec 22, 2005

My blog

I'm pondering now, deeply, about what I have for my precious blog. Thoughts flowing like Niagara falls but they don't stop for me to pen down. I need Dumbledore's pensieve, I guess. What to write about in my blog? Perhaps, about my blog itself and the wonderful experiences that came along with it.

If you notice, my first post was in June 2004, titled "Cup of Coffee". A real life experience which I managed to put it in words. Yes, I managed it. I can always speak about a particular incident. But when I want to write it, I always felt a roadblock. Pen tip touching my diary's pages while my mind is searching for appropriate words. That was how I felt until June 2004. Then this amazing phenomenon called blogging entered my life and everything changed. I'm not exaggerating here. Unless your communication is effective, it's very difficult to succeed in this high-competition, fast-paced world. I believe this concept to the fullest. That's what is motivating me to attend Toastmaster sessions. That's what is giving me the urge to blogging.

On Dec 31st 2004, I decided that I'm going to blog regularly in 2005, one post per week at the minimum. I had put that down in my diary as well. I read somewhere, guess it's one of Robin Sharma's books, that a goal unwritten is a dream. All of us have dreams, big dreams. But to achieve them, our dreams need to be transformed into goals. And these goals got to be written down in paper. That's what I did. Although I couldn't achieve all I had planned for this year, I did manage to achieve a few of them. A detailed post on this coming soon.

My passions, a few travelogues, books, music and movie reviews, my ramblings about life and society, stories, poems - what a nice way to express my feelings !!. Thanks, I was able to explore some of my hidden talents and unleash my creativity. I always had the feeling that I wasn't very creative and my right brain doesn't function at all. Blogging proved me wrong. I had lots of fun not only in writing my thoughts, but also reading others. Most of us never express our feelings directly. Through blogging, I understood the traits of many of my friends. Without blogs, I would have never known that my hubby has a flair for narrating incidents in an interesting way, Gandhi and DD for their good acumen in poetry, Biju and Preethi for their nice, little stories.

Thanks to all those who have been reading my articles and taking time to give their comments. Hoping to write more and yeah, revive my "Amidst a terrible desert" episodes.

Dec 8, 2005

My precious....

Tagged by CK

Clear blue sky
Lush green fields
Fully grown coconut trees
Triangle shaped sand temples

Fresh water lake
Infant's innocent smile
Dew drops on leaves
Little lamp near a Tulsi plant

Pulley on top of the well
Sounds of the temple bell
Calf running towards his mom
Ganesha idol at the foot of banyan tree

Jasmine flowers
Steam engines
Malgudi's essence
RK Narayan novel

Slow moving clouds
White spotted deers
Soothing flute music
Hot cup of cardamom tea

Early morning
Temple hymns
Sunset evening
Pretty rainbow

Twinkling stars
Bright full moon
Snow clad mountains
Crystal clear stream

Slight drizzle
Milk cooker whistle
Refreshing lemon juice
Lunch on plantain leaf

Ambrosial filter coffee
prepared by father,
Watching one day cricket
accompanied by brother

Whole hearted laugh
with loved ones,
Special someone's hug
and supporting words
Precious life this is
God's gift of love.

Dec 1, 2005

My resolutions for 2006 - Part I

Tagged by my hubby

New year has always been very special to me. It gives an opportunity for a new beginning, a fresh start and time to look back on what I have accomplished in the past year. I had set a few resolutions/ goals for 2005, have made progress on a few of them but have broken some resolutions. Anyway, no harm in trying them next year as well. Yes, I do believe in trying again and again and again.....Will list down what I have accomplished this year sometime in the end of December after I do a thorough analysis.

Here I go....with a few resolutions for 2006 in order of priority

1) Get up at 5 AM everyday (This was one of my goals for 2005 but never managed to accomplish it for more than 3 days)
2) Do some physical activity for an hour everyday to keep my body in good shape (Have learnt a bit of Yoga/Pranayama, tried jogging for a couple of weeks and off late, doing some skipping. But very very irregular in 2005)
3) Learn to play violin (Have been postponing this for the past 2 years, giving lame excuses to myself like unable to find a good teacher)
4) Become a competent toastmaster (There are 10 levels to reach this goal , have completed 7 levels so far, hoping to complete the remaining 3 next year)

This is all I have thought of so far. Will come up with Part II soon