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Jul 18, 2005

I've changed !!!!

Back from a refreshing Art of Living - Part I course. I feel energetic, yet relaxed. I feel peace, yet alert. I feel fresh, yet not anxious. I'm not exaggerating, dear readers. It's the fact. The past 6 days have made a tremendous difference in me. The knowledge that has been imparted precludes me from explaining about this course. But I assure you it was a delightful experience. Some people might argue that these courses are only for the senile. An absolutely wrong thought, I say. The earlier you do this course, it's better.

I got to understand a lot about myself. Many of my inhibitions are being washed out, many of my assumptions are proven wrong. Now I look at the world in a broader view. I look at each and every human being differently. Changes have started happening in me. The most essential part is I need to sustain this effect for my lifetime.

I might sound unnatural or even funny. But I accept you as you are and moving ahead with my journey of celebration. Hope I have given a prelude to this wonderful course. I urge all you readers to give a thought to attend this course, whether you believe or not that this course will make a change in your lives as well. Just think of it as a change from your mundane routine of home-work-home.