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May 26, 2005

Ten most amazing things

Getting inspiration from others has always been one of my characteristics. Here I go again, getting inspired by my friend Biju. The ten most amazing things - that was the title of his wonderful article.

I accede to most of the things he has listed down such as the petrichor - smell of earth when rain drops fall on it, sunset and sunrise.

I have always been an admirer of nature. My list of 10 things(not necessarily in chronological order) would most probably circle around nature.

1) Taking a walk through mountain ranges when my entire body is covered by the white, fluffy clouds drifting so fast. (Have experienced this many times in Munnar, my favourite holiday destination)

2) Walking through the path(called as "Varappu" in Tamil) between lush green paddy fields on a quiet summer evening. (Thanks to Karthi Thatha (my neighbour's grandfather at my native place) who used to take us for a walk during summer vacation)

3) Watching the never ending tea plantations enroute to Munnar. (Mentioning Munnar again and again is inexorable!!!)

4) Observing the huge mango and coconut trees on either sides while travelling through Kerala backwaters on a small boat. (Wish I had been born as a Mallu, would have got a chance to visit Kerala very often. No regrets, though. I get to visit God's own country atleast once a year)

5) Slowly bringing energy to the world, a red ball of fire which wakes up almost at the same time everyday - the beautiful sunrise. (Wonder how it manages to wake up so early.....Very difficult for me!!!)

6) God's greatest gift - flowers. Though the life of a flower is just a day, it brings in so much of exuberance into one's life. Be it a single one or a bunch of them, flowers are just amazing.

7) Crystal clear, blue seawaters in Maldives where one can actually see myriad fishes of different sizes and colours in the deep. (Have never thought that the sea water would be so clean before visiting Maldives)

8) Sipping a cup of hot filter coffee and taking a glance at "The Hindu" spread on the floor, with the mellifluous voice of M.S.Subbulakshmi singing Vishnu Sahasranama in the background early in the morning. (Rarely get to have this experience these days. I miss Appa's filter coffee :-( .................)

9) Cycling around the railway ground in Tambaram (Had done it for 4 years during my engineering days. Last heard that my brother has sold my cycle for a pittance. My BSA SLR, where are you now?)

10) The enchanting "Siddhi Vinayaka Namo Nama" song being played at the Ganesha temple. (Both me and my husband love this song. It brings in sort of peace to our minds. One of the reasons why we visit this temple very often is to listen to this song)