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Feb 10, 2005

Mahashwetha - a good read

I read the previous two books written by Ms.Sudha Murthy - "Wise and Otherwise" and "How I taught my grandmother how to read Kannada". Both of them narrated her experiences in life. I got very much inspired by her philanthropic work. When I happened to see Mahashwetha, her latest novel in Landmark, I just bought it without giving a second thought.

The story is about a woman who inspite of facing so many challenges becomes successful in life. The characterization of the lead character, Anupama is awesome. The story depicts the author's keen interest in drama and Kannada literature. I couldn't put down the book as the story was moving at an interesting pace.

Anupama, a beautiful woman with so many talents hails from a poor family. With the help of scholarships, she manages to pass M.A. A rich doctor, Anand falls in love with her when he sees her in a play "Mahashwetha". They get married. One fine day, she comes to know of a big problem that she has to face. How she struggles in her life thereafter and finally how she manages to be positive and successful forms the main story.

I liked the climax when she gives her decision to her friend vasant and her husband Anand. The story emphasizes that a woman can stand on her own feet and be independent both emotionally and financially without a man's support. A must read for all women in India.