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Dec 31, 2004

New Year is here !!!

New Year is around the corner......People all over the world make resolutions. A sense of positiveness prevails in everyone's face. But only a very few people carry it through out the year. Some lose it on their way when unexpected happens.

On Christmas day, everyone was so happy celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. No one would have got a slight thought that the next day, many lives would fall as prey to ocean's hunger. People living in the coastal areas of India depend on sea for their daily bread. Nature is so unpredictable, at times very scary. All those sand beaches which looked so beautiful and attractive will not be the same any more.

I only hope that nature doesn't give us those unexpected moments which can ruin many lives in this coming year..............

Nov 30, 2004

Posting after a looooooooooong time

Writing a post after a long time (after 6 months).........Got inspiration from a fellow blogger , also my friend, Biju. I showed my blog to him and he asked "Hey , Is this a story?" . My first imaginative story got such an appreciation (!!!)........hmmm....I felt that I should change this comment to "Wow...a wonderful story". Actually my husband read Cup of Coffee and he appreciated it...Poor guy !!! He might have feared his cup of coffee at home.

Yes....I got married on Aug 27th.Thinking about my next story....what could be the bottomline? Another sad one ??? No way...I'm not a sad person. Just wanted to start off with an emotional story, thereby Cup of Coffee was born...

My next story is going to be a .......................Still undecided !!!!

Jun 2, 2004

Cup Of Coffee

"Ma , I'm home !!!", entered Divya. She looked at the big clock in her living room. It was 6.35. She wondered how her office cab took an hour to travel 10 kms. The sky was orange and the birds were returning home. Divya's mom, Arundhati came out of the kitchen with a hot cup of coffee. She sat besides Divya, giving her a hug.

Divya took her first sip of coffee and felt refreshed. She asked "Mom, How do u make such refreshing coffee everyday!!! I feel active after a tiring day of work, thanks to your coffee". Arundhati felt very satisfied with her daughter's response. She smiled at Divya and asked "How was the day today, my dear?". Divya replied "It was such a hectic day, you know ma. I had to attend conference calls for 2 hours. Can you imagine !!!. Then we had this status meeting for another hour. I hardly had time to sit at my desk and do my work. When I actually got back, my friends called me for lunch. Only then I realized, it was 1 o'clock. I just grabbed some food and came back. When I started my work, I got a call from these credit card marketing guy. I got so irritated. I wonder how they caught hold of my number.Oooff !!! I did a bit of work but my deadlines are coming close. I've to go early tomorrow. Wake me up by 5. I need to take the 6 o'clock bus".

The cab driver stopped near Divya's house and called her "Ma'am !!! Your house has arrived. Could you please get down?". Divya realized that it was her usual dream. She got down and opened the door. She stood staring at her mother's photograph hung in the hall. She entered the kitchen to prepare her coffee, wiping a drop of tear from her eyes.